With any supply chain operation there are standard services that should be handled with ease, no matter the distribution type. Services like pallet moves, storage and protection, and shipment loading are done every day, and done well by any 3PL. But, what about when products needs special attention in the warehouse? Certain types of products need to be handled with extra care, need special certifications or are stored and distributed on non-conventional ways. This is where specialized services come into play.
What are some specialized services and when might a company need them?
Customized storage solutions:
Not all products are the same, leaving large or small, odd shaped, products with challenging storage options. Stacked or racking storage is often preferred by companies as a way to improve efficiency and fit more inventory into the warehouse. We understand that no two customers are alike and find ways to handle the storage of any type of product. We have the resources in our 13 warehouses as well as our team with years of experience to effectively and efficiently store just about any product!

Freight/Product consolidation:
Consolidation can mean many different things within the logistics industry. Whether you are talking about consolidating multiple SKUs from one company into one pallet, or combining multiple shippers into truckloads to increase their efficiency, consolidating is a huge part of the supply chain. Consolidating helps our customers get the best prices and have improved efficiency when moving, handling, or shipping their products.
Light Manufacturing/Assembly:
Light Manufacturing or assembly is something that is specialized to a certain type of customer. We provide light manufacturing like drilling or cutting of products so that they are ready for Just In Time shipments which can save manufacturing companies time and space in their facilities. Some assembly can also be provided so that products are ready for use when the consumer receives them!

Labeling and relabeling products is something that most customers will use at some point in their relationship with a 3PL. For some customers, their retailers may make a change and need products labeled in a different way. For others, labels may be changed to make the switch to online shopping. Whatever the reason, labeling and relabeling is a service that a quality 3PL should excel at.
Rigging and Heavy Haul:
Sometimes products cannot be moved with standard equipment. Maybe a forklift can’t lift the product or maybe it is too heavy to be moved over the road with a standard truck and trailer. Murphy Warehouse Company teams up with Murphy Rigging to complete any job throughout the nation. Specializing in Rigging, Heavy-Haul and Millwright service Murphy Rigging completes jobs throughout the nation with precision and expertise. Check out their website at www.murphyrigging.com to learn more about their operation, based in Minneapolis, MN.

How do you know that the 3PL will handle specialized services with great service and quality work? This is where years of experience pay off, and put Murphy Warehouse Company above the competition. With over 110 years in the industry, there aren’t many projects or service needs that we haven’t seen. Thanks for reading this week’s blog, be sure to check back every week for updates on the logistics and supply chain industry!